Thursday, October 2, 2008

Today I was yelled at by a 73 year old woman...

Yes, folks and she actually made me cry... in public.

Now, I know what you must be thinking... anyone can handle a cotton-top (for those of you not down with Shelbyville lingo, that means old person). Yes, one would think. Now, don’t get me wrong, I work for the government. I literally get paid to have people yell at me. I handle aggressive alders, tavern owners, etc. all the time. So, why was this old lady able to reduce me to tears? She was livid that I would not allow her to volunteer to work at a late-night taxi stand. Did I mention the stand runs until 3am? Did I mention that she is 73 years old?

Yes, so there she is waving her finger in my face, calling me a liar-saying that I was making up excuses not to let her volunteer at the stand. There I am trying (unsuccessfully) to explain the situation, hungry bc its 3pm and I haven’t had an opportunity to eat lunch, and exhausted from multiple vaccinations inserted into my arm the prior day. It was not until I started to see people around the room start to stare at me (assessing the situation and trying to figure out whether I had killed her dog or something) that my eyes started to well up with tears. Somehow, I managed to escape being yelled at by my parents, teachers, etc. through my entire childhood only to work for the government and get screamed at by everyone and there mother (or in this case grandmother)... constantly.

Oh, the irony.

-Djo Djo

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