Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Eggsperiment

So, the other day I was watching Oprah… the subject “How do we treat the animals we eat?” It was a great discussion of CA’s Proposition 2 that would improve housing conditions for certain types of animals. While I was initially scared to watch the show (I thought for sure that they would try to convert me to a vegan) the show was pretty tame. Instead of preaching the vegan lifestyle, they promoted free-range organic farming. Once again, I am way ahead of the game. I already buy free-range organic eggs, milk, meat, etc. Yeah, it is way more expensive than the regular stuff, but I eat less of it so in my eyes it all works out. One exception: restaurants. I eat out quite a bit and if I don’t like the vegetarian option, I eat regular eggs, milk, meat, etc.

Take Thursdays…. Every Thursday we have a staff breakfast at this cute breakfast place. I think their food is great however their vegetarian bfast options suck and they don’t offer free-range anything. So my question is how should I go about making this change happen? Should I ask to talk to the manager and advocate for a free-range egg option? Can I BYOE (bring my own eggs).? This is the start of my eggsperiment. I’ll keep you updated.

-Djo Djo

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