Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I just lost my wallet at Starbucks and it wasnt under the napkin dispenser

So let me open by saying I dont know if I can contribute to the drowning franchise that is Starbucks any longer. The customer service has gotten so poor that I have run out of Starbucks to patronize in a 3 mile radius from work and have taken to playing with Russian Roulette with the few I will still enter.

Background: I get back to work from my daily Starbucks run and realize that I am sans wallet.

I get there and my wallet is no where to be seen. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum behind the counter insist that no one has turned anything in. The male Tweedle goes so far as to say 'You sure were gripping it like you thought I was gonna take it' to which I promptly roll my eyes. The female Tweedle comes over to check under the napkin dispenser for me. I sure am glad she was there to do the heavy lifting. Some customers over hear my conversation and add that some lady in a fuscia top walked around looking for the owner of the wallet. I look at the Tweedles who are shocked as they had no clue this happened. The female Tweedle adds that I should check with the police department because maybe this mystery person turned it in there. They then 'go the extra mile' and ask the barista if anyone has turned anything in. I look over to my right and what do you know, there is a lady in a fuscia top. I approach and ask if she's happened to see a wallet and she and another lady (having over heard the entire conversation they are clearly frustrated for me by the incompetence of the Tweedles) tell me that the lady walking around with it, WORKED THERE. I almost broke my neck snapping it around to launch my most violent death stare at my new foes. The male Tweedle quickly scurries behind the counter and asks, who else but the "boss," who has been (as he put it) 'keeping it safe' all along.

I'm not high-maintenance, really. I just want my iced-venti-no water-extra roomy-Americano and I want to leave (with my wallet).


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