Sunday, January 25, 2009

Been busy

Sorry everyone. I admit I've been a total blogging slacker (as has my co-blogger, Luci), but I have an excuse. I've been busy. I know everyone is busy, but I've been really busy. Since November, my new husband and I traveled to Poland and India (and coincidentally in Mumbai during the attacks) I got a puppy (see the sweetheart above), served as Maid of Honor in my sister's wedding and I moved apartments. So, don't hate me but I'm back. And now that I am a new puppy owner, I have an excuse to post all sorts of new puppy owner stories and questions.
I've named her Shelby. We rescued her from a place called Thyme and Sage Ranch in Cazenovia, WI. She is a Cavalier King Charles/Havanese mix. We paid what we thought was an extremely reasonable adoption fee and felt great about our purchase. A few days after we got her, Shelby was sick and would not eat. She went to the vet twice in one day. They ran every test under the sun and turns out, she was perfectly healthy-she just missed her litter mates. We have had her about a month and she is perfectly happy and healthy. In any case, this morning I did a google search for the place we got her and up pops up all of these complaints about the place. The allegations were that someone got a puppy from there and it died one week later. There were also allegations that the puppies had health problems, etc. Which brings me to the point of my post (and I may take this one to Craig's list-havent decided yet). If you adopt a puppy from a rescue, you have to realize that you are not getting a dog from the breeder. The rescue has not had the dog for 8 weeks and probably has very limited information about the animal. You may have a large vet bill as a result.

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